Cheat mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi untuk pecinta game online maupun offline... karena dengan software yang satu ini dapat memudahkan dalam bermain game terkhusus untuk gamers yang tidak mau berusaha *just kidding* ...
Biasanya software ini bekerja dengan cara memanipulasi angka angka dalam game seperti fitur uang,coin,exp dan sebagainya
beberapa fitur dari cheat engine 6.2 ini antara lain :
- Fixed the first plugin from not getting activated at restart.
- Custom types can now do an unknown initial value scan.
- Fixed the auto assembler highlighter from hiding some text while typing.
- Fixed the auto assembler highlighter from not showing hexadecimal values as hex starting with A to F.
- Fixed global debug from crashing in 64-bit (with dbvm).
- Fixed dbvm from not working on several systems (freeze).
- Fixed notification when closing and you had some changes.
- Fixed the rescan of the structure spider not working at all.
- Fixed several disassembler and assembler instructions.
- Fixed several plugin-system related bugs.
- Fixed aobscan for 64-bit.
- Fixed displaying the registers in 64-bit when using "find what xxx this address".
- Fixed the stackview when single stepping through the code.
- Fixed several lua function, including createhotkey.

Dan tutorialnya dapat ke artikel Tutorial Cheat Engine
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